January General Meeting Minutes

Rolling Thunder® Ohio Chapter 2

P.O. Box 485

Lakemore, OH 44250


General Membership Meeting

Firestone VFW Akron, OH

January 9, 2022

  1. Pledge of Allegiance by James Pierse
  2. Opening Prayer by Kevin Ivey
  3. Moment of silence by James Pierse
  4. Mission Statement read by James Pierse

President Bob Fankhauser called the January 9, 2022 meeting to order.

The minutes from the December 12, 2021 meeting were approved as read by Carolyn Clement.

Treasurer’s report was read by Nancy Beisler.  A motion was made by Harold Fields and 2nd by Judi Willgues to accept the treasurers report, subject to audit.  Motion carried.

President Report:  Please let Carolyn Liggett know if you have a change of address or phone number.

See Bob to get National Bike Raffle tickets.

2022 dues are due by the March 6th meeting

Vice-President Report:  Jim Smith: Kelly Keener presented the chapter a check for $160 from the sale of candles and a donation of $50 from her sister, Carrie Mortinger.

We received a thank you from: New Freedom Farms, Richard Chambers for gift card from VSC Tuscarawas, Quilts of Valor, Blue Star Mothers OH Chapter 2, Tuscarawas County Toys for Tots, and Dave and Sue Homan, along with a $400 donation on behalf of Harold Fields and The Hawk. We also received a donation of $50 from Roger Wiant American Legion Kent, Ohio and a $250 donation from Joe Stepka.  All donations will be deposited to general funds.

Chapter will present a plaque to Mid-Ohio Mopar, in recognition of their generous donation.

COB Report:


Guest Speaker:  Anyone interested in riding to Sturgis, August 5-14th, contact Erik Szerokman.


Ron Mani Award:

(Select at October Board Meeting and present at November general meeting)


Social Events:

Reverse Raffle : Darlene

Gun Bash: We will have 600 main tickets to sell, at $55.

Adopt a Family Project: Sandy and Jerry delivered Christmas gifts to two families.  Cost was $801.20.

Color Guard: Oppie:

Membership: Carolyn Liggett: Membership dues of $40 are now due.

Scholarship Endowment:  Janet White informed us that the current balance is $71,688.84

Suicide Prevention & Military Families: Sara & Moe. Let either one of them know if you know of a needy family.

Wellness Committee: Kevin:  Jarrett had successful knee surgery and Ty fell and broke his wrist.  Please keep both in our thoughts.

Quarter Master: Tim Hess

Public Relations:

50/50:  Won by Dave Noaker.  $14.00 will be deposited to events and $14.00 to the General Fund.

Elections (form committee at June meeting)

Ongoing Business  

New Business

The April board and membership meetings have been changed from April 3rd to April 10th

A motion was made by Janet White and 2nd by James Pierse to advance Harold Fields $12,500 seed money so that he may take advantage of gun sales.  Motion carried.

Piston Power Show will be held April 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

There being no further business to come before the chapter, a motion was made by Jesse Alvarez and 2nd by Judi Willgues to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.