September Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting

Firestone VFW Akron, OH

September 11, 2022

  1. Pledge of Allegiance by Jim Jarrett
  2. Opening Prayer by Kevin Ivey
  3. Moment of silence by Jim Jarrett
  4. Mission Statement read by Jim Jarrett

President Bob Fankhauser called the September 11, 2022 meeting to order.

The minutes from the August 7 2022 meeting were approved as read by Carolyn Clement.

Treasurer’s report was read by Nancy Beisler.  A motion was made by Pam Murray and 2nd by Dave Noaker to accept the treasurers report, subject to audit.  Motion carried.   Nancy informed us that the bartenders from the Corn Roast donated their tips of $75 to the chapter.  And we received another donation from Jack Dowler in the amount of $400 to be deposited to the Suicide Prevention fund.

President Report:  Bob Fankhauser has requested that you get to him, by the October meeting, any names you would like added to the list for Wreaths Across America.  Also, he passed around a sign-up sheet for the Piston Power Show which will be held March 31, April 1, and April 2nd.

Vice-President Report:  Jim Smith read a message from Claudia Casey.  He also informed us about the PACT Act passed by Congress.  Veterans need to register at the VA. There is more information on our website.

COB Report:


Guest Speaker:

Patches: Congratulations to Michelle DiBell and Scott Hamilton for receiving their Rocker and Eagle.

Ron Mani Award:

(Select at October Board Meeting and present at November general meeting)


Events:  Darlene passed around sign-up sheets for the chapter Christmas party. Bring a $10 wrapped gift if you are participating in the gift exchange.  Chapter will be supplying the meat and drinks. Also, the VFW will be hosting a Holiday arts and craft show on October 22nd from 10-4. Anyone interested in setting up a table or wanting more information should contact Darlene

Website: Janet White

Gun Bash: Harold Fields reported the following breakdown of ticket sales: Main 572/600, Green 390/500, and Tan 462/500. All ticket stubs, money, and unsold tickets must be turned in at the October meeting.  Set-up Friday and Saturday at 8:30am.  Also, we will be loading the trailer after the October meeting.

Adopt a Family Project: Sandy

Color Guard: Oppie:

Membership: Carolyn Liggett:

Scholarship Endowment:  Janet White reported to us that our current balance is $74,485.03.

Suicide Prevention & Military Families: Sara & Moe.

Wellness Committee: Kevin

Quarter Master: Tim Hess.

50/50:  won by Pam Murray.  $32 will be deposited to events. Also, Scott Hamilton won the Starbucks gift card.

New Business

A motion was made by Pat McPherson and 2nd by Bud Roeder that we donate $1000 to Stop Soldier Suicide.  Motion carried.

ELECTIONS: The following members were elected to the Board of Directors for 2 years: Gerry Beisler, Harold Fields and Jack Dowler and Janet White as alternate director.

Check the website for events.

There being no further business to come before the chapter, a motion was made by Pat McPherson and 2nd by Merry Ingraldi to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.