October Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting
Firestone VFW Akron, OH
October 2, 2022

A. Pledge of Allegiance by Marty Van Horn
B. Opening Prayer by Kevin Ivey
C. Moment of silence by Marty Van horn
D. Mission Statement read by Marty Van Horn

President Bob Fankhauser called the October 2, 2022 meeting to order.

The minutes from the September 11, 2022 meeting were approved as read by Carolyn Clement.

Treasurer’s report was read by Nancy Beisler. A motion was made by Pat McPherson and 2nd by Janet White to accept the treasurers report, subject to audit. Motion carried.

President Report:

Vice-President Report: Jim Smith read thank you notes from the Thomas Rakovec Family and Pegasus farm.

COB Report:

Guests: We welcomed guest Julian Duncan

Guest Speaker:

Patches: Congratulations to Keith Cook for receiving his Rocker and Eagle.

Ron Mani Award:
(Select at October Board Meeting and present at November general meeting)


Events: Our chapter Christmas party will be held after the November meeting. Coffee and water will be provided and sodas can be purchased from the VFW. A sign-up sheet was passed around for the chili cook-off which will be held after the January meeting. Contact Darlene if you are interested in setting up a table for the VFW’s Holiday arts and craft show which will be held on October 22nd from 10-4.

Gun Bash: Harold Fields reported to us the following break down of ticket sales: Main 594/600, Green 420/500, and Tan 490/500.

Website: Janet White
Adopt a Family Project: Sandy
Color Guard: Oppie:
Membership: Carolyn Liggett:
Scholarship Endowment: Janet White

Suicide Prevention & Military Families: Sara & Moe. Vet Fest will be held August 26,2023 from 3-9.

Wellness Committee: Kevin
Quarter Master: Tim Hess.

50/50: won by Jack Dowler who donated all his winning back to chapter so $66 will be deposited to events.

New Business

A motion was made by Judi Willgues and 2nd by Mark Lacey to donate $2000 to Wreaths Across American. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Pat McPherson and 2nd by Merry Ingraldi to donate $2000 to our Stark State Scholarship Endowment Fund. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Janet White and 2nd by Jesse Alvarez to allocate $6000 for gift cards for Thanksgiving and Christmas thru the VSC for the following counties: Ashtabula, Portage, Summit, Stark, Tuscarawas, and Wayne. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Jesse Alvarez and 2nd by Pat McPherson to donate $500 to VFW post 3383 Ladies Auxiliary. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Pam Murray and 2nd by Jesse Alvarez to donate $1000 to the Columbus Ohio Project, National Veterans Monument and Museum, in order to install a Gold Star Family Monument in the Memorial Garden. Motion carried.

Check the website for events.

There being no further business to come before the chapter, a motion was made by Pat McPherson and 2nd by Chuck Lang to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.