General Membership Meeting
Firestone VFW Akron, OH
May 7, 2023
- Pledge of Allegiance by Jim Jarrett
- Opening Prayer by Kevin Ivey
- Moment of silence by Jim Jarrett
- Mission Statement read by Jim Jarrett
President Bob Fankhauser called the May 7, 2023 meeting to order.
The minutes from the April 16, 2023 meeting were approved as read by Carolyn Clement.
Treasurer’s report was read by Carolyn Clement. A motion was made by Dave Noaker and 2nd by Pat McPherson to accept the treasurers report, subject to audit. Motion carried. We received another check from Jack Dowler in the amount of #122.00 for the suicide prevention fund.
President Report: Bob
Saturday, May 27th _ Uhrichsville Memorial Services at 10:00am. Leave VFW at 8:30 am in Dress Code.
Sunday, May 28th_ Ride to Columbus and Dayton Air Force Museum. Leave VFW at 8:00 am. Ride to Veterans Memorial Park at 300 West Broad St, then leave at 12:00 to ride to Wright Patterson AFB.
Saturday, June 3 Super Kids located on George Washington Blvd. Meet there at 9:00am. We will be riding down the hill. They need help loading and unloading the cars.
Vice-President Report: Wes
Guests: We welcomed Jere Jarrett.
Guest Speaker:
Ron Mani Award:
(Select at October Board Meeting and present at November general meeting)
Events: Darlene
Website: Janet
Gun Bash: Kevin: Breakdown of ticket sales: Main 311/600, Green 251/600, Yellow 258/600. Please return unsold tickets to Kevin as there is a waiting list.
Adopt a Family Project: Darlene and Kolleen will be taking over this project.
Color Guard: Oppie
Membership: Carolyn Liggett:
Scholarship Endowment: Janet White:
Suicide Prevention & Military Families: Moe spoke to us about an organization that may help veterans with exterior remodeling. The website is You must have a DD214. If you have any question, contact Sara Chambers.
Wellness Committee: Kevin.
Quarter Master: Tim Hess. Contact Tim Hess ASAP is you want an” in memoriam” patch for Penny Martin. Also, Tim and Sandy are looking into the cost for RED t-shirts, which stands for, Remembering Everyone Deployed.
50/50: Was won by our junior member, Kayleigh. $29 will be deposited into our newly formed Junior member account.
Rob and Jen Flecksteiner donated beads to the junior members so they can make custom beads to raise money.
New Business
A chair of Honor will be installed at the Veteran Park Honor Garden in Canton. We will need to purchase a post, chains, and flag. Detail to follow.
Marty Van Horn, along with Madison and Kayleigh have volunteered to inspect our chairs of honor that have been installed at various location.
Meet at OWRNC on Saturday, May 20th at 9:00 am to reminisce and place flowers.
Our next meeting is June 4th
There being no further business to come before the chapter, a motion was made by Pat McPherson and 2nd by Jesse Alvarez to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.