June Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting

Firestone VFW Akron, OH

June 4, 2023

  1. Pledge of Allegiance by Jim Jarrett
  2. Opening Prayer by Kevin Ivey
  3. Moment of silence by Jim Jarrett
  4. Mission Statement read by Jim Jarrett

President Bob Fankhauser called the June 4, 2023 meeting to order.

The minutes from the May 7, 2023 meeting were approved as read by Carolyn Clement.

Treasurer’s report was read by Nancy Beisler.  A motion was made by Pat McPherson and 2nd by Paulette Pinczes to accept the corrected April report and the May report, subject to audit.  Motion carried.

President Report:  Bob

Bob informed Sons of Italy that, because of their political correctness, he does not want any Budweiser Beer at the Gun Bash.

Chris Duncan will be the new commander of the color guard.

Bob paid the electric bill, in the amount of $500, for a veteran in need.

Vice-President Report:  Wes read thank you’s from a veteran who received one of our gift cards and from Stark State College Foundation.

Guests:  We welcomed Eric Garrett, Chris Mercery, and Daniel Williams.

Guest Speaker:


Ron Mani Award:

(Select at October Board Meeting and present at November general meeting)


Events: Darlene

Website: Janet

Gun Bash: Kevin:  Breakdown of ticket sales: Main 402/600, Green 302/500, Yellow 307/500.  Please return unsold tickets to Kevin as there is a waiting list.

Adopt a Family Project:  Darlene and Kolleen

Color Guard: Chris Duncan

Membership: Carolyn Liggett:

Scholarship Endowment:  Janet White:

Suicide Prevention & Military Families:  Moe & Sarah

Wellness Committee: Kevin.

Quarter Master: Tim Hess.

Our junior members Annie, Kayleigh, and Madison were busy making beads during the meeting so $140 will be deposited to the Jr Fund

We were going to have to cancel the Vet Fest but a very generous donated of $1500.00 was presented to us from Eric Garrett.

50/50:  Was won by Carolyn Liggett.  $23 will be deposited to events and $22 will be deposited to the general fund.

New Business

Dave Noaker will head the nomination committee.

A motion was made by Pat McPherson and 2nd by Dave Noaker to allocate up to $700 to purchase a post, chains, and plaque for the Chair of Honor that will be installed at the Veterans Park Honor Garden in Canton.  Motion carried

A motion was made by Gary Landes and 2nd by JoAnn Suladie to donate $300 to Donna Smith to help with medical expenses for her son.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Jim Smith and 2nd by Jim Jarrett to donate $800 to Midvale Speedway for flags and flag poles.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Judi Willgues and 2nd by Jack Dowler to donate $250 to the National Federation of the Blind OH, Greater Akron Chapter.  Motion carried.

Anyone interested in volunteering for the Sons of Italy Festival August 3, 4th, or 5th, contact Judi.


There being no further business to come before the chapter, a motion was made by Pat McPherson and 2nd by Carolyn Liggett to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.