General Membership Meeting
Firestone VFW Akron, OH
April 14, 2024
- Pledge of Allegiance by Jim Jarrett
- Opening Prayer by Kevin Ivey
- Moment of silence by Jim Jarrett
- Mission Statement read by Jim Jarrett
President Bob Fankhauser called the April14, 2024 meeting to order.
The minutes from the March 3, 2024 meeting were read by Carolyn Clement. A motion was made by Dave Noaker and 2nd by Mark Lacey to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried.
The treasurer’s report for the month of March, 2024 was read by Nancy Beisler. A motion was made by Jim Jarrett and 2nd by Pam Murray to accept the report, subject to audit. Motion carried.
Guest Speaker:
President Report Old Business: Bob.
Check the website for details on the Findlay Show and The American Cruisers.
The VFW reverse raffle will be held May 18th at 7:00pm. Get your tickets from the canteen.
Check the website for more details on the Memorial Day weekend run. Also, more details at our May meeting.
Our next visit with the Veterans at Rose Lane Nursing home will be on Tuesday, April 30th at 9:00am, located at 5425 High Mill Ave., Massillon, OH 44646.
A motion was made by Janet White and 2nd by Pam Murray to allocate from Events $200 for Nancy Beisler so we can donate to the Warrior 2 Warrior Ministry $10 towards the cost of the donuts at our semi-monthly visit. Motion carried.
Vice-President Report: Wes read a thank you note from Guitars 4 Vets. Also, we received a $107 donation from Jack Dowler which will be deposited to our Suicide Prevention.
C.O.B. Oppie:
Ron Mani Award:
(Select at October Board Meeting and present at November general meeting)
Membership: Carolyn Liggett.
Website: Janet White & Gerry Beisler.
Gun Bash: Kevin reported to us that we have deposits in excess of $15,000.
Wellness committee: Kevin
Christmas Party: Carolyn Clement. After taking a vote it has been decided that our party will be held at a restaurant.
Adopt a Family Project: Kolleen and Darlene.
Color Guard: Chris Duncan. Contact Chris if you know of any events where our color guard can represent our chapter.
Scholarship Endowment: Janet White. Current balance is $91,856.00
Suicide Prevention & Military Families: Moe & Susan.
Quarter Master: Tim Hess.
50/50: won by Carolyn Liggett. $18 will be deposited to events.
A motion was made by Mark Lacey and 2nd by Dave Noaker that we purchase an indoor Chair of Honor for inventory, at a cost of up to $400. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Mo Pelkey and 2nd by Kelly Keener that we spend $2000, from the marketing account, to purchase 10,000 wrist bands. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Pam Murray and 2nd by JoAnn Suladie that we allocate, from the general funds, $300 so Kelly Keener can purchase toy soldiers. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Jim Smith and 2nd by Judi Willgues to purchase two gold flag poles for the color guard., at a cost of $250. Motion carried.
Contact Bob if you are interested in participating in the Rolling Thunder Chapter 2N.Y. DAV Run, which will take place on Friday, July 26th thru Monday, July 29th.
The next VFW Hamburger Supper is April 19th from 5-7.
Contact Bob if you are interested in attending the Stark State annual Scholarship Luncheon on Friday, May 3rd. This will be a dress code event.
On Saturday, June 15th the Kent American Legion will be hosting a Bike Run & Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser. Presented by Chain Breakers Children’s Advocates. See website for details.
There being no further business to come before the chapter, a motion was made by Chuck Lang and 2nd by JoAnn Suladie to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.