December Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting

Firestone VFW Akron, OH

December 1, 2024

  1. Pledge of Allegiance by Jim Jarrett
  2. Opening Prayer by Kevin Ivey
  3. Moment of silence by Jim Jarrett
  4. Mission Statement read by Jim Jarrett

President Bob Fankhauser called the December 1, 2024 meeting to order.

The minutes from the November 3, 2024 meeting were read by Carolyn Clement.  A motion was made by Dave Noaker, and 2nd by Susan O’Connor to accept the minutes as read.  Motion carried.

The Treasurer’s report for the month of November, 2024 was read by Nancy Beisler.  A motion was made by Dave Noaker, and 2nd by Scott Hamilton to accept the treasurers report, subject to audit.  Motion carried.


Guest Speaker


President Report:   Refer to page 16 V1 of the Constitution: rules of Conduct.  To be a member in good standing, one must attend at least three meetings and three events per year.

A motion was made by Dave Noaker and 2nd by Jim Jarrett to approve an advance of $17,500 to the gun bash committee to purchase guns for the 2025-gun bash.  Motion carried.

Vice-President Report:  Wes read a thank you card from Stark State College and Shreve American Legion.

COB Report:

Ron Mani Award:

(Select at October Board Meeting and present at November general meeting)


Membership: Carolyn Liggett

Website: Gerry Beisler & Janet White

Gun Bash: Kevin:   Let Kevin know if you have any suggestions on types of guns to purchase.

Wellness: Kevin

Adopt a Family Project:  A motion was made by Dave Noaker and 2nd by Pam Murray to approve an expenditure of $1000 to purchase Christmas gifts for Veterans or Veteran’s families.  Motion carried.

Color Guard: 

Scholarship Endowment:  Janet White

Suicide Prevention & Military Families:  Moe & Marty.

Quarter Master:

50/50 was won by

New Business

A motion was made by Pam Murray and 2nd by JoAnn Suladie to approve $75 per day, per person, for meals while in DC for the National Conference.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dave Noaker and 2nd by Susan O’Connor to donate $5000 to the Stark State Scholarship Fund.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Jim Jarrett and 2nd by JoAnn Suladie to approve a donation of $1000 to New Freedom Farm in Buchannan, Virginia.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Susan O’Connor and 2nd by Jesse Alvarez to approve a donation of $1000 to the Woody Williams Foundation.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dave Noaker and 2nd by Jim Jarrett to spend up to $400 to purchase POW/MIA flags.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Chuck Auker and 2nd by JoAnn Suladie to approve an expenditure of $300 for the Quartermaster to purchase pens and flashlights.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Chuck Auker and 2nd by Jim Jarrett to approve a donation of $100, plus items from the quartermaster, to put together a bascket for the City of Akron Christmas party.  The basket will be donated to a Veteran by Moe Pelkey.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dave Noaker and 2nd by Chris Duncan to spend up to $200 for flags for our Chair of Honor at Midvale Speedway.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dave Noaker and 2nd by Chuck Auker to purchase 3 dozen donuts every other Tuesday for Veterans at the Heather Knoll Nursing Home.  This will be an ongoing expense.  The nursing home is located at 1134 North Ave, Tallmadge.

A motion was made by Dave Noaker and 2nd by Moe Pelkey to approve up to $200 to purchase chains and poles for an outdoor Chair of Honor for Garaway HS in Sugarcreek, Oh.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dave Noaker, and 2nd by Susan O’Connor to donate $1000 to Marlington HS to help with the purchase of a 12 x 8 rolling American flag.  Motion carried.

See website for details on Wreaths across American on December 14th

Chapter Christmas party: December 14th at 6:00pm.  Mulligans Restaurant and Pub.  $10-$15 wrapped gift.

Our next chapter meeting is January 5, 2025.

There being no further business to come before the chapter, a motion was made by Pam Murray, and 2nd by Moe Pelkey to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried.