General Membership Meeting
Firestone VFW Akron, OH
December 3, 2023
- Pledge of Allegiance by Jim Jarrett
- Opening Prayer by Kevin Ivey
- Moment of silence by Jim Jarrett
- Mission Statement read by Jim Jarrett
President Bob Fankhauser called the December 3, 2023 meeting to order.
The minutes from the November 5, 2023 meeting were approved as read by Carolyn Clement.
Treasurer’s report was read by Nancy Beisler. A motion was made by Donna Smith and 2nd by Jessie Alvarez to accept the Corrected October report. Motion carried. A motion was made by Jim Jarrett and 2nd by JoAnn Suladie to accept the November report, subject to audit. Motion carried.
President Report: Bob
Wreath laying at OWRNC will take place on Saturday, December 16th at 8:00am. Presentation at Main Flagpole will be at noon.
Wes Suladie is going to check with Rose Lane Nursing Home to see if we can deliver Ditty Bags.
Vice-President Report: Wes. We received thank you cards from the Ronald Page Family, Tom Keener, a recipient of one of our gift cards, the Ashtabula VSC, and a $500 donation from Mid-Ohio Mopar.
Guest Speaker:
Ron Mani Award:
(Select at October Board Meeting and present at November general meeting)
Jim Smith was presented with The Ron Mani Award at our Christmas Party after the meeting. Well deserved, congratulations, Jim.
Events: Darlene
Website: Janet
Gun Bash: Kevin: We earned $38,165.77. The Board has decided that ticket sales for the Main ticket will remain at 600.
Adopt a Family Project: Kolleen and Darlene reported to us that we were able to provide Christmas items for 19 people at a cost of $2007.01.
Color Guard: Chris Duncan Our color guard will be opening and closing all 3 days at the Piston Powered Show, April 5th, 6th, 7th .
Membership: 2024 dues are due starting in January. In order to get credit for meetings and events you must sign in.
Scholarship Endowment: Janet White. Current balance is $79,216.03
Suicide Prevention & Military Families: Moe
Wellness Committee: Kevin.
Quarter Master: Tim Hess.
A motion was made by Kevin Ivey and 2nd by Gloria Ivey that we contribute $10,783.97 to our Stark State Scholarship. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Judi Willgues and 2nd by JoAnn Suladie that we donate $500 to the SAM Center. Motion carried.
VFW Spaghetti dinner is held on the 2nd Friday of each month from 5pm to 7pm.
Next Geneal meeting is January 7th
There being no further business to come before the chapter, a motion was made by Pam Murray and 2nd by Jesse Alvarez to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.